The sled below belongs to :
Mark Nernberg
Getting Ready for the Season Opener!
Courtesy of - Mark Nernberg on his Early MOD 340, CPTC 40th Beausejoure, MB March 2nd 2002
Here is a shot of Mark Competing in the 600 MOD Class.
Coming down the test track.
1974 Sno*Jet Thunder Jet 340
Some new homemade Skis for the ovals!
These two pictures were taken at some Ice Drags winter 2001
This Marks restored 74 Thunder Jet.
This is the sled when Mark first picked it up
As you can see, it was in pretty rough shape
144 1" Ice Daggers
The motor was blown in 1976, Mark completely went over the whole sled, and had
it together and raced it in February 2001.
This is Marks 1975 Mercury Sno Twister 400.