I picked up these two sleds in late 2012. Both are original owner sleds, and the Super Sport was still used on a yearly basis. The 69 had been sitting quite a few years not running, but luckily was inside.
With the Super Sport, it fired up with no issues at all, but it wasn't running quite right. After playing around it, I realized that the carb adapter (HR to HD) was actually loose. This wasn't an issue previously because the fuel line going into the carb was taped right up, which actually kept the flange in place. Of course as soon as I got home I ripped off the tape and fuel line to run a bottle of clean fuel. Once the flange was nice and tight, it ran great! I ended up having to change the needle and seat in the carb as well, but other than that, it worked out very well. The Super Sport ended up going home with a friend of mine. I honestly didn't have the room for the sled, and will be building up a GT1. I'm happy to say the sled went to a good home.
With the 69, it proved to be a bit more troublesome. I'll jump right to the conclusion, the engine needed to be re-ringed. At some point in its life, something got into the cylinder, and actually gouged part of the piston. The gouge pinched the rings, therefore no compression! A set of new rings, and the sled fired right up. I was very excited. Now that I knew it would run, I decided to tackle the seat. You can see the photos of the new seat in progress if you sroll below. Scroll all the way
to the bottom, you'll see the finished sled!
After a quick cleaning
When I first loaded up the sleds
The new seat in progress
The finshed sled. Refreshed engine, new seat installed.