1971 Thunder Jet
Update 2017: It may seem like this one has been progressing slowly, but it should start picking up very soon. I've almost got everything I
need to proceed with it. I also have even more exciting news about the sled. When I finally started tearing it down, I started by removing the
crude steel engine mount setup. Once it was all unbolted, I started cleaning the front end. Using some heavy duty degreaser and a brush, I scrubbed
away years of grease, oil, dirt and dust. When I hosed it off, something stuck out. Keep in mind, my sled didn't come with a tag. Reproduction tags
are available, but I didn't know what serial my sled came with. I noticed something, when I looked closely, I realized, it was actually a serial number
stamped in the front end. That was fantastic news, but it gets even better. Looking at the actual number, 118002, it means that most likely, this was the #2 sled
off the assembly line! I try to keep track of the other 71 Thunder Jets around. From what I can tell, there aren't any others stamped in this area. I don't know
the whole story, but I'm still looking. See the photos below.
Update 2012: There isn't much to report on the 71 Thunder Jet. I've slowly been collecting parts and pieces for the sled (picture of the
newly found engine below), as well
as trying to track down the history on the sled. There is a chance that this sled was once owned by Jim Adema.
I've gone as far as talking to Patty Senneker (Adema), and she checked with Jeff Schupe (Jim's right hand man), and he said,
yes they did do that to one of the chassis, this one looks pretty "rough" but it did look like Jim's work. Isn't it funny how we can still recognize his work, he had a pretty distinctive way of doing things!
I was also lucky enough to track down an original photo of Jim on a 71 Thunder Jet. Take a look at the photo below. I've talked to several guys,
and that's the only time they've ever seen a 71 Thunder Jet with that style of decals. There isn't much to go on, but there is one small difference
between that sled, and my sled. On Jim's sled pictured, the decals are on the top half of the hood. If you look at my hood, they seem to be on the
lower half of the hood. Checking again with Patty, I found out that when they went racing, they would normally go with no less than 4 or 5 sleds.
They ran one in every class. So even in 71, they had more than one Thunder Jet. I'd love to confirm this was one of Jim's sleds, but can't quite at this point.
I'm always looking for more information.